About Us
Juicinda Juice was founded by Jacinda Moses in 2023. Jacinda is a Atlanta native raised in Lithonia, Georgia. Growing up Jacinda was always pronounced Juicinda in grade school. Developing the name Juicinda was very easy due to her interest in natural fruit juices. With passion for christ and cooking,Jacinda studied how food, fruit and herbs are medicine for the body. Jacinda has a natural love for cooking meals for family and friends. The concept of Juicinda Juice derives from the book Genesis 2:8–9The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
Juicinda Juice mission statement is to cultivate what God has provided. Eat and drink from the tree of life!
Jacinda’s parents are originally from West Africa, Accra, Ghana. Healthy eating is a common way of living and cooking daily was a hobby for all women. While being first generation African American we adopted the American way of eating fast foods and processed foods. As a mother Jacinda creates all juices and meals for her grade school son. Teaching the importance of a healthy lifestyle is significant in her family. The western diet caused many diseases and sickness within her family and at a personal level.
Juicinda juice promotes a plant base lifestyle and introduction to juicing. Juicinda juice provides healing juice for the mind, body and soul.Juicinda juice is a juice vendor in the south east market at vendor shows. We anticipate tremendous growth within a few years
No Sugar
Fresh fruits
100% organic
Naturally occuring
Our Juice Menu
Lemon Ginger $10
organic lemon and ginger
Electric Pineapple $10
pineapple, cucumber and rosemary
Victory Juice $10
orange, cayenne, lemon
Candyloupe $10
Canteloupe and agave syrup
Garden of Eden $10
Apple juice and cinnamon
Lemon Ginger $20
organic lemon and ginger
Electric Pineapple $20
pineapple, cucumber and rosemary
Victory Juice $20
orange, cayenne, lemon
Candyloupe $20
Canteloupe and agave syrup
Garden of Eden $20
Apple juice and cinnamon
Our Vegetable Juice Menu
Green Machine $10
organic celery juice, apples, lime and cucumber
Beet Juice $10
organic beet juice, apple and ginger
Carrot Juice $10
organic carrot juice and oranges
Green Machine $20
organic celery juice, apples, lime and cucumber
Beet Juice $20
organic beet juice, apple and ginger
Carrot Juice $20
organic carrot juice and oranges